Our Theory

The Olive Branch Educators® approach is collaborative, deliberate, and strategic.

You have comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of your community culture—we are professional agents of change. Together, we can achieve your diversity, equity, and inclusion goals.

We see you. OBE’s programs and interventions are individually designed to complement the culture of your specific community. We recognize your uniqueness and acknowledge each organization’s special set of circumstances. Our experience together will be authentic.

Olive Branch Educators® wants to learn about your organization. Our team will strive to understand you, your community, and your goals. Our process will typically include assessment, training, and developing steps towards sustainability. Wherever you may be on the journey, we will find a way to help you achieve success.




Regardless of where you are on the path towards a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment, our work within your community begins with an assessment. Qualitative and quantitative data is collected to understand individual experiences as well as your institution’s policies. This is done through a combination of climate surveys, interviews, focus groups, and a review of relevant materials. 

OBE’s initial report will include an analysis of the data to help identify institutional stumbling blocks that do not align with the community’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. Recommendations for the next steps are shared with appropriate stakeholders. OBE will partner with your organization to create a detailed map for the path forward.




Our training programs are designed to:

  1. Increase awareness of implicit bias and blind spots

  2. Create an authentic cultural shift, resulting in long-term growth and sustainability

  3. Audit the organization’s internal and external communications for alignment with the diversity, equity, and inclusion goals of the organization

  4. Explore how dominant narratives are often in conflict with the experiences of marginalized groups

  5. Partner with all constituencies including senior leadership

Some of OBE’s supports include, but are not limited to:

  • mentorship and coaching

  • individual and group training

  • curriculum/program design

  • marketing strategies

  • strategic planning and mission statement development

  • policy review and hiring/retention strategies




For Olive Branch Educators®, sustainability is making diversity, equity, and inclusion part of the ethos of your community. It is important to establish clear, measurable goals to ensure systemic accountability and sustained success because much of the work is subjective. 

Moving from theory to practice is critical for long-term sustainability. This phase of OBE’s work guides individuals from the consideration of the theoretical and intellectual aspects of cultural awareness to the often uncomfortable space of action. For example, there may be parts of existing systems that need to be dismantled in order to sustain change. 

Institutional change is not easy. OBE is dedicated to providing your organization not only with the emotional support needed to succeed but with the skills necessary to create a self-sustaining practice that will ensure your continued success.

“This is about skill development, not about being ‘good people’.”

-Dr. Artis

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.